How to order:
To order you can browse our products using the menu' on the left. You can select any products clicking on its image. Have a look at the product description and, if you want to add it to your chart, just digit the desired quantity and click "add to chart".
You don't have to be registered, to order, even though we recommend to be, to enjoy all the functionality of our website.
Any time you want to check your chart's content, to modify, cancel or transform it into an order, click "Go to Chart". You don't have to rush to complete and send your order, but remember that the chart is not designed to last for many days. If you want to fine tune your order, we recommend you to use the WISH LIST instead. The WISH LIST will stay registered on our system as long as you want. You can modify, cancel or transform it in an order, completely or partially. It gives you an absolute control over your order.
When you are ready to finalize your order, click "Go to the Cash", on the lower-right part of your monitor, to open the page where you will have to insert your data (if you are a registered user, your data will be inserted autotically), and send the order.
We'll take care of your order with maximum attention. We strive to ship your orders 100% complete. If a rubberstamp is missing in our warehouse, we'll make it for you. If an item is out of stock and we can't assure you the shipping in a reasonable time, we'll contact you to find an alternative.
Do not hesitate to contact us for any further info, see you and... Happy Stamping!!!